A Socio-Legal Analysis of Space, Time, and Volume (the unlightness of being)
Methodological Predicament:
10 States with the Largest Stateless Populations.
1. Cote d’Ivoire
2-5: Bangladesh; Myanmar; Thailand; Malaysia
6. Latvia
7. Syria
8. Uzbekistan
9. Kuwait
10. Estonia
- Palestine refugees and displaced persons who are receiving assistance from UNRWA are not reported in the UNHCR-collated global statelessness data because their situation is covered by UNRWA.
- The case of Keswar: Guyana; Canada; U.S.; New York City.
- The case of Luis; Maya; Guatemala; Mexico; U.S.; Mexico, Louissiana, Florida.
Vocabulary and Definitions:
Internally Displaced Persons (a legal status)
Refugee (a legal status)
Asylmum Seeker (a legal status)
Migrant Worker (a legal status)
Immigrant (a legal status)
Contemporary Case Studies:
- The U.S.-Mexico Border States and the Central American Diaspora;
- The Hungarian-EU stituation in re: Syria;